You can order shirts on line at
or go to their store in Donnelly’s Clothing. 39 Cummings Park, Woburn, MA. 01801 800.498.0045
Uniform Policy
All students are required to report to school in uniform every day. Banneker is a uniform school. Being part of the Banneker community means adhering to the uniform policy unless instructed or authorized. Any student found to be in violation of the dress/uniform policy can remain in the Nurses office for the day and/or until appropriate clothing is brought in from home. School personnel will contact parents every day that a student does not come to school in uniform.
All Grades:
Standard cloth pants (no jeans or nylon sport pants) in Khaki.
No sweats are allowed on regular dress code days.
Button down shirts/blouses; long sleeve or short sleeve in Maroon (solid only, no prints). No crop tops, half shirts, no low cut blouse or top.
Cardigan sweaters, maroon (no logo). jackets, sweatshirts/ Hoodies are not to be worn in the classroom as part of uniform.
Solid only — khaki. Leggings are to be worn under skirts or jumpers; may not be worn alone.
Personal preference with general tone of dress code, in black or brown. Sneakers required on gym days
Not allowed in the building. No Bonnets
Should be appropriate to the school setting.
Not allowed.
Khaki Personal preference should be expressed, without being distracting or outlandish.
P.E. Day Dress Code
Sweat Pants/ Shorts:
Black, Grey Cotton/cotton blends only.
Tee Shirts:
White with (no designs) Cotton/cotton blends only. No shiny synthetics, nylon, etc.
plain black (No designs)