11/06/24 Wednesday Backpack!
As you know we are making a great effort to be GREEN! So, our newsletter is electronic.
*It is imperative that you keep your child home if they are not feeling well or have any symptoms. The healthier we are, the longer we stay together.
Coats for KIDS– Do you have any coats you would like to donate? The Banneker is collecting gently used coats in all sizes for families in need. Starting October 2nd-January 10th. Our goal is to collect 200 coats.
Attending school daily is critical!
Please remember that homeroom starts at 8:00 AM. If a student is not in the homeroom by 8:00 they are considered tardy. Encouraging regular school attendance is one of the most powerful ways we can prepare our children for success – both in school and in life. “Excessive tardiness” is when a child is late in excess of 30 minutes. “Habitual tardiness,” frequently tardy 5 to 10 minutes, which is equally detrimental. This is typically the parents’ responsibility. Tardiness of any kind will be reflected on your child’s school records/transcripts. Please assist your child in learning the valuable lesson of personal responsibility by setting the example of punctuality.
Character Day- November 27th
Character Day is coming! Start thinking about your FAVORITE book character! We’ll be celebrating our favorite book characters on November 27th. Students and staff are invited to come to school dressed as their favorite book character! We can’t wait to see your costumes! Students will be dismissed at 11:30am.
Lunch Menu: https://www.myschoolmenus.com/instance/1157/district/1191/school/9330/menu/35562
Uniform Policy:
As the weather continues to change students must and should dress appropriately:
Khaki bottom: including shorts or skirts No leggings. Maroon tops: plain maroon tops (no tank tops)
No open toe shoes, flip flops, sandals, and Crocs. No jeans are allowed unless it is a jeans day.
If students are not dressed in uniform parents will be required to bring them a change of clothes.
Want to purchase uniforms, go to https://www.donnellysclothing.com/BENCHCAMBMA
Lost and Found
Please label your child’s clothes so they will be returned to you. All clothes in the lost and found not labeled will be donated at the end of the month. Please stop by lost and found if you are missing clothes.
Banneker Community Closet- Uniform Recycle
Are you getting some early cleaning done? We are collecting gently used uniforms for our uniform recycle program. If your child has outgrown their uniforms, please consider donating them to the Banneker. You can drop them off to the nurse or the front desk. Thank you
A Reminder from the Nurse:
Dear Parents/Guardians: This year, and every year, our goal is to work together to maintain a healthy environment for the overall wellbeing of our community. Due to the high number of students with food allergies, especially to peanuts, the Banneker is a peanut free school. To ensure the safety of our students, please refrain from sending peanut products to school with your children. Thank you for your cooperation. any questions email Nurse@banneker.org
Banneker is pleased to be able to continue to offer transportation services to our families.
In an effort to ensure that all our students get home safely and are always accounted for please remember:
- If you need to make any changes regarding pick up or stop status you must call the school before 2pm.
- We are no longer able to switch buses but families can switch stops or change to parent pick up.
- Parents are not permitted to take students off the bus accept at their designated stop unless prior arrangements have been made
Parent pick up
- Parents in cars are prioritized
- Please remain in your car and drive off as soon as possible safely
We can no longer accommodate bus changes! If you need to make any dismissal changes for your Child/ren please call Ms. St. Germain between the hours of 8am-2pm. Anything after will not be accepted.
Dismissal begins at 2:45 pm. Just a reminder, please arrive at the bus stop 10-15 minutes prior to both pickup and drop off times. For parent pick-up simply drive up to the side of the building to pick up your child. No need to park your car.
Follow us on Facebook
If you haven’t already done so, please follow us now at Benjamin Banneker Charter Public School. Also check our website at www.Banneker.org for any other information.
**Phone message system
One method the Banneker uses to communicate with our families is through the phone and email message system. It is important that we have updated address and contact numbers. Please email Mstgermain@banneker.org with any updates.
Upcoming events
Make-up picture day- Monday, December 2, 2024 Students must be dressed in appropriate attire for picture day. Students are not allowed to wear jeans.
Ongoing Events
Coats for KIDS– The Banneker will be collecting gently used coats in all sizes. Starting October 2nd-January 10th
Scholastic Book Club- All Grades – https://clubs.scholastic.com Book prices range from $1.00 to $15.00. All orders can be shipped directly to your home!
Upcoming dates to remember
- Monday, Nov 11 Veterans Day
- Wednesday, Nov 20 Half-day @ 11:30am
- Wednesday, Nov 27 Half Day – Thanksgiving Break begins
- Thurs, Nov 28 – Fri, Nov 29 Thanksgiving Day Break
- Monday, Dec 2 Make-up Picture Day
Parents Please feel free to share our events with your friends and coworkers, we love it when we all can come together as a community to help one another.